- PHD. Chemometrics - Bristol University England
- Msc. Information Technology - Warwick University England
- BSc. Chemistry - Alzahra university Tehran
- 2010 - Present Narvan Arra
Position: Oil & Gas Director
- 2004 - 2010 Fanavary Novin Niroo
Position: Managing Director Deputy / QA Manager
- 2002 - 2006 Petrochemical Downstream Industry
Position: Planning & Control Manager / QA Manager
- 1999 - 2000 Renewable Energy Organization of Iran
Position: Fuel Cell Consultant
- 1998 - 1999 Clifton College & Bristol University
Position: Tutor of VB Programming and Chemometrics
- 1992 - 1998 Coventry & Warwick Universities
Position: Research worker
- 1978 - 1992 Region 9 Education Department
Position: Teacher and Director of College
- Board Member of Society of Iranian Petroleum Industries Equipment Manufacturers (SIPIEM)
- Board Member Confederation of Iranian Industry (CII)
- Member of the Cooperation Council in the President Deputy Strategy and Planning Control
- Iran Society of Design & Engineering & Assembly (IRSEDA)
- Board Member of joint activities of 15 Industrial societies
- Board Member of IRAN International Hydropower Association (IR-IHA)
- Chemometric methods for determination of selective region in diode array detection high performance
liquid chromatography of mixtures : application to chlorophyll a allomers (Analyst, 1998,123,2035,2042)
- Development of a novel methodology in the determination of magnesium from chlorophyll a by atomic
adsorption spectrometry using chemometric experimental design. (Analyst, 1995,120,295298)
- Evaluation of parallel factor analysis for the resolution of Kinetic data by diode-array high-performance
liquid chromatography (Analyst, 1997, 122,871877)
- Quantitative determination of chlorophyll a in Frontiers in Analytical Spectroscopy, the Royal Society of
Chemistry, Cambridge 1995 126
- Technology management research work in IDRO organization
- Study meeting on the fair distribution of productivity gain sharing among stock holders in
- Establishing of ISO 9001 -2000 in Petrochemical Down Stream Industries and Fanavary
Novin Niroo organization
- Mathematical modelling and computer simulation of electrochemistry of industrially important
- Development of an object-oriented programming package for multimedia data base of cast
copper alloys
- Chemometric tools such as factor analysis (FA), principal component analysis (PCA), multiple
linear regression (MLR), and experimental design
- Development of an object oriented programming package for chromatographic analysis using
Visual - Basic programming language
- Comprehensive research on Chlorophyll with EAS and Chromatographic equipment